Aytaj Gurbanova: "Legal Aspects of Solving Environmental Problems" Elmi Məqalələr, İqtisadiyyat 19 октября 2024 1170 0 1 2 3 4 5 Currently, the foundations of state policy in the field of ecology should ensure the preservation and improvement of the environment at both global and regional levels, as a necessary foundation and guarantee for the further existence and development of human society as a whole and its natural surroundings.The timely resolution of issues in the field of environmental management and protection is particularly relevant in the context of a developing market economy and the expanding economic, trade, scientific, and cultural cooperation of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the countries of the global community, of which Azerbaijan is a part. Among the most important tasks are, in particular, the preservation of natural balance, biodiversity, and sustainability in the living environment; the protection of the Earth's ozone layer from depletion; the prevention of anthropogenic climate change on the planet; desertification; and other negative processes affecting the natural environment, which concern the interests of our republic and its citizens.Azerbaijan has many rivers and lakes that hold the majority of the country's freshwater reserves. One of the most valuable natural resources is oil, often referred to as "black gold." Additionally, the reserves of minerals and other resources are quite significant.In market conditions, the regime of environmental management and protection is essential for ensuring the rational and efficient use, conservation, and reproduction of natural resources, as well as the protection of the environment. This approach will address the task of restoring disrupted natural ecological systems, their protective and environment-forming functions, and will align with such principles of Azerbaijan's state policy as respecting the human right to a favorable environment and ecological safety, prioritizing the preservation of natural ecological systems, landscapes, and complexes. Solving environmental problems in natural areas is important for the further socio-political, economic, cultural, and demographic development of the country, as the ecological condition of regions and the well-being of their inhabitants largely depend on how economic entities comply with the rules and conditions of environmental management and protection in these natural areas.The result of the rapid development of human activity over the past century in all areas of the economy has been a negative attitude toward the environment and the excessive exploitation of natural resources. As in most countries, the Republic of Azerbaijan places great importance on solving environmental protection issues and the rational use of natural resources.Therefore, to achieve results in environmental improvement, which is the foundation of environmental policy, several important laws and regulatory legal documents have been adopted in the republic. State programs have been prepared and approved in accordance with the requirements of European legislation. To address pressing environmental issues relevant to therepublic, activities are being conducted under these state programs based on the principles of sustainable development.However, the accumulated environmental problems over a long period cannot be resolved solely through the resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, whose economy is undergoing a transitional phase.In my opinion, the main environmental problems in the Republic of Azerbaijan consist of the following:Lack of sewage lines in rural settlements (except in major cities, where this problem does not exist);Air pollution from industrial enterprises and vehicles (as long as internal combustionengines are used in vehicles, this leads to environmental pollution through the emission of exhaust gases);Degradation of fertile land (erosion, salinization);Insufficient measures to regulate the disposal of solid industrial and household waste, including hazardous waste;Decrease in biodiversity:Reduction in forest resources and wildlife populations.It is clear that Azerbaijan today needs well-developed, scientifically-based environmental legislation and a broad public movement for environmental education of the population. However, a significant amount of progress has also been made in this direction. For example, in recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of parks, green areas, and nature reserves, which improve the ecological condition of our country.It is also important to note that Azerbaijan actively cooperates with leading countries and organizations in the field of ecology and climate. It is worth mentioning Azerbaijan's role in addressing climate and environmental issues. In 2024, Azerbaijan will host the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29).The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is an agreement signed at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992, aimed at preventing dangerous human interference with the climate system. The abbreviation COP" stands for "Conference of the Parties." The Conference of the Parties is the supreme legislative body overseeing the implementation of the Framework Convention on Climate Change. There are 198 countries that are parties to the Convention. Unless otherwise decided by the parties, the COP is held annually. The first COP event took place in March 1995 in Berlin, and its secretariat is located in Bonn.Holding the COP29 conference can be considered the most significant event of 2024 for Azerbaijan and a logical continuation of the country's strategy to transition to a "green" economy. In line with this mission, 2024 has been declared the "Year of Solidarity for a Green World" in the Republic of Azerbaijan.Azerbaijan demonstrates through practical actions the importance the country places on "green" energy. Azerbaijan is one of the countries with high potential for renewable energy sources.According to the Ministry of Energy, Azerbaijan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent by 2030 and by 40 percent by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. Additionally, the technical potential for renewable energy sources in the country is 135 GW on land and 157 GW at sea. The economic potential for renewable energy is 27 GW, including wind energy at 3,000 megawatts, solar energy at 23,000 megawatts, and bioenergy at 380 megawatts. The potential of mountain rivers is estimated at 520 megawatts.Additionally, Azerbaijan has announced the establishment of a "green" energy zone in the territories liberated from occupation. By 2050, it is planned to transform these areas into a "clean zero-emission" zone.Thus, the points I have mentioned above can be summarized with the following conclusions: The issues of sustainable development and environmental protection are increasingly coming to the forefront among the global priorities of the entire international community. The approach to addressing the challenges faced by human civilization has taken on a multilateral character and has firmly established itself in this area. The United Nations plays a central role in this process as a universal mechanism for decision-making, coordinating actions, and being a vital source of international environmental law.The task of the 21st century, which has become a social issue, is the protection of nature. Without clean air, water, and a healthy natural environment, humanity could suffer greatly. Therefore, global environmental problems are univ⁶ersal issues that humanity must confront, and to enhance the well-being of future generations, these problems must be completely resolved.ZiM.Az Muəllif huquqları qorunur. Məlumatdan istifadə etdikdə istinad mutləqdir.